Aceso Global engaged with NITI Aayog, a Government of India think tank chaired by the Prime Minister, to design a strategy to restructure the healthcare delivery system to provide timely, effective and affordable care to India’s population. Through a multi-year engagement encompassing extensive analysis, stakeholder engagement and validation from key Indian officials, industry players and technical experts, Aceso Global diagnosed the challenges and opportunities of the existing system and outlined potential pathways to improved service delivery. The resulting recommendations provided roadmaps to catalyze change in numerous areas, including:
These form an action agenda informed by global evidence and best practice, adapted in a pioneering way to the Indian context.
Aceso Global CTO Jerry La Forgia presented this vision of a more affordable, equitable and effective health service delivery system at NITI Aayog’s day-long dialogue “Health System for A New India: Building Blocks” in New Delhi on November 30, 2018. The findings and recommendations were also published as a core chapter in a report published by NITI Aayog in November 2019. Together, the work has jumpstarted new conversations and ways of thinking about how to organize and deliver healthcare in India.
Support from: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Jerry La Forgia
CTO & Founding Director
Robert Janett
Senior Non-Resident Associate