• Aceso Global is supporting JLN member countries to harness private sector capacity and capital to enhance their universal healthcare services
  • The main outputs are two ‘fundamentals’ guides (one for each work stream) setting out some of the key frameworks and case studies that were co-produced during the learning exchange
  • The Virtual Learning Exchange involved 34 officials from 13 JLN member countries

The Virtual Learning Exchange on the Private Sector focused on equipping country participants with the knowledge, confidence, and skills to form more, more ambitious, and more successful partnerships between public healthcare payers and private healthcare providers and investors including:

Work Stream 1: How can public payers better monitor, manage, and enforce contracts for subsidized healthcare services?

Work Stream 2: How can governments unlock private capital to catalyze their UHC reform agenda?

The Virtual Learning Exchange hosted seven theme-focused workshops to address immediate knowledge gaps among public sector participants concerning the private sector.


Support from: Gates Foundation on behalf of the Joint Learning Network for Universal Healthcare



Jerry La Forgia

CTO & Founding Director

Jonty Roland

Associate Director

Tanner Mecham


Esteban Bermúdez

Program Associate

Anne Coyne

Program Manager

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