Pedro Chequer has been a global leader in public health for over 30 years and is widely recognized for his leadership in the field of HIV/AIDS. He launched his career building a network of federal programs that effectively controlled malaria in the Brazilian Amazon during the 1980s, and later headed the Brazilian National Epidemiological Center. Subsequently, he managed the country’s highly successful National STD/AIDS Program and served as President of Brazil’s National AIDS Commission. He has worked extensively with UNAIDS, including as the UNAIDS representative for the Russian Federation and as Country Coordinator for Brazil, Mozambique and the Southern Cone (Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay), and he continues advising UNAIDS as a senior consultant. Dr. Chequer has also worked as a consultant to the Pan-American Health Organization, and as an advisor at the World Bank. Dr. Chequer holds a medical degree from the University of Rio de Janeiro and a MPH in Epidemiology from the University of California, Berkeley.


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