Healthy China: Deepening Health Reform in China

Healthy China: Deepening Health Reform in China is a book published jointly by the World Bank and WHO, in collaboration with the Government of China. As Lead Health Specialist in China for the World Bank at the time, Aceso Global CTO Jerry La Forgia designed and led the study from its inception, and joined Aceso Global just prior to its conclusion. The book draws from 20 commissioned background studies and more than 30 case studies. It provides a pathway to higher-quality, lower-cost care through adopting People-Centered Integrated Care, with strengthened primary healthcare as the foundation of the system. The 200-page policy summary was released in 2016, while the book was published in full in early 2019.

Suggested Citation: World Bank; World Health Organization. 2019. Healthy China: Deepening Health Reform in China. Washington, DC: World Bank.


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