• Peru has embarked on an ambitious agenda to achieve universal health coverage (UHC) and integrate its service delivery system. The seminal Insurance Framework law (AUS 2009) set the stage for UHC through establishing a minimum benefits package, creating a subsidized insurance system (SIS) for vulnerable populations, and modifying how services are financed and providers are paid. More recently, Law 30885 (2018) aims to improve the performance of the delivery system through establishing regionally organized and integrated service delivery networks (RISs).
  • These reforms have faced a number of implementation challenges particularly in terms of overcoming fragmented financial flows and provider payment mechanisms. This structure generates inefficiencies, duplications, competition for scarce human resources, and high transaction costs. It also compromises the ability to implement integrated care networks.
  • OECD countries are grappling with similar issues as Peru – how to overcome fragmented financial flows and provider payment systems. OECD countries also have been experimenting with how to finance (and pay for), integrated care for at least two decades.

Aceso Global is advising policymakers along three dimensions: 1) Analyzing the challenges facing Peru’s public system in terms of financial flows, provider payment systems, and institutional capacities for strategic purchasing and care integration. 2) Reviewing relevant OECD experience and lessons learned in consolidating financial systems, aligning incentives through provider payment systems and paying for care integration. 3) Recommending options and corresponding actions to reduce fragmentation, promote effective implementation of provider payment mechanisms, and incentivize the formation of functional service delivery networks.


Jerry La Forgia

CTO & Founding Director

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